Type 3.2 font editor

2024年2月10日—ThebestType3.2alternativesareFontForge,BirdFontandKarektar.Ourcrowd-sourcedlistscontainsmorethan10appssimilartoType3.2 ...,2021年3月1日—Type3.2hasbeendesignedtomakeitrelativelyeasyforabeginnertogetstartedmakingfontswithouthavingtowo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Type 3.2 Alternatives

2024年2月10日 — The best Type 3.2 alternatives are FontForge, BirdFont and Karektar. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 10 apps similar to Type 3.2 ...

Type 3.2 font editor

2021年3月1日 — Type 3.2 has been designed to make it relatively easy for a beginner to get started making fonts without having to worry about complexities.

Type 3.2 for Windows

2012年11月27日 — Type is an OpenType font editor for typeface design. ... Type is a commercial trial font app and developed by CR8 Software Solutions for Windows.

Type 3.2

Innovative, easy-to-use features. Type font editor was continuously developed since 2006, so it is a proven and reliable solution for small business and home ...

[OTVar] Type 3.2 font editor

2019年11月28日 — A common process for developing a variable font involves the use of multiple, master source fonts. Each master provides complete glyph outline ...

Type 3.2 font editor

2016年2月18日 — Edit all font metrics, meta-data and names. Easy font renaming tool. Up to 65535 glyphs. Copy, duplicate and rename glyphs. Edit glyph metrics.


2024年2月10日—ThebestType3.2alternativesareFontForge,BirdFontandKarektar.Ourcrowd-sourcedlistscontainsmorethan10appssimilartoType3.2 ...,2021年3月1日—Type3.2hasbeendesignedtomakeitrelativelyeasyforabeginnertogetstartedmakingfontswithouthavingtoworryaboutcomplexities.,2012年11月27日—TypeisanOpenTypefonteditorfortypefacedesign....TypeisacommercialtrialfontappanddevelopedbyCR8SoftwareSolutionsfor...